Selected Lyrics

The vast majority of Sylvian lyrics can be found at and slowfire. I'll generally only transcribe newly released songs that aren't up elsewhere (or ones that contain interesting background samples or vocals) and live versions of unreleased songs.

Selected Lyric

Nothing is Happening Everywhere

Track #NA - Commissions and Collaborations // By: LAND (feat. David Sylvian)

I’d woken in a garden
Where metal crawls the shoulders
Of dividing walls

I’d woken in a garden
Where metal divides
All mighty and small

So I’ll never know you

Oh dunces are frightening
When fists are flying
They’re terrifying

So I’ll never know you

I’ll dig, but I’ll never find you

Nothing is happening everywhere

So I’ll never know you

I’ve run across cities
In which you’ve permission to cower
Relinquish your hold
On the vestiges of power

I’ll dig, but I will not find you
I’ll dig

No desire for elegance
To say nothing of meaning
What a pitiful, pitiful, feeling

Your efforts are futile
When did we become so very

I’ll dig

I’d woken in a garden

Nothing is happening everywhere

So I’ll never know you

the full song is streaming on soundcloud

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