Selected Lyrics

The vast majority of Sylvian lyrics can be found at and slowfire. I'll generally only transcribe newly released songs that aren't up elsewhere (or ones that contain interesting background samples or vocals) and live versions of unreleased songs.

Selected Lyric


Track #NA - Commissions and Collaborations // By: Blonde Redhead feat. Sylvian

Stay still, be still
No wonder you’re always lost
As a messenger you must be known
With messages you must return
To be seen by demanding hands
And touches of jealous men
Invisible and forgivable
To all their secret ends

Be it so, be quick
Don’t run just walk and walk and walk
Don’t lose yourself to decorate
Somewhere on your wall
‘Cause somewhere in your mind
You know you are doing fine
Holding secret hair locks
You’ll pluck before you hide

So how can I keep anything to myself?
So how can I keep any of these things… to myself?

So how can I keep anything to myself?
So how can I keep anything to myself?
So how can I keep anything to myself?
Behind those clouds… I’m almost home

Stay still… no wonder you’re always lost
Be still… no wonder you’re always lost

Lyrics and music by Blonde Redhead – this is basically David doing karaoke.

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