Selected Lyrics

The vast majority of Sylvian lyrics can be found at and slowfire. I'll generally only transcribe newly released songs that aren't up elsewhere (or ones that contain interesting background samples or vocals) and live versions of unreleased songs.

Selected Lyric

Many Names

Track #00 - Many Names // By: Thomas Feiner

And friends
You sure travelled
By many roads

And foes
You sure travelled
By many names

Brand me love
Scar me life
The sun goes down
For everyone
The sun sets on everyone

Blessings turned beasts
Left me careless
And unaware

Curses turned gifts
I was struck down
But I could rise

Scar me life
The sun goes down
For everyone
The sun sets on everyone

And I climb
And I fly
Coming round
Under the sun, may
The sun sets on everyone

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