Selected Lyrics

The vast majority of Sylvian lyrics can be found at and slowfire. I'll generally only transcribe newly released songs that aren't up elsewhere (or ones that contain interesting background samples or vocals) and live versions of unreleased songs.

Selected Lyric

It’ll Never Happen Again - Live 1995-10-11

Track #NA - Misc Live Songs // By: Tim Hardin

I remember our first affair
Always pain
Always rain around my eyes

It’ll never happen again
It’ll never happen again

Every time I leave you alone
I remember times I couldn’t come home

It’ll never happen again
It’ll never happen again

Why can’t you be
The way that I want you to be
Why can’t you see
You’ve gotta change to love me

I remember our first affair
Always pain
Always rain around my eyes

It’ll never happen again
It’ll never happen again

(Thank you, that’s a Tim Hardin song)

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