Selected Lyrics

The vast majority of Sylvian lyrics can be found at and slowfire. I'll generally only transcribe newly released songs that aren't up elsewhere (or ones that contain interesting background samples or vocals) and live versions of unreleased songs.

Selected Lyric

Birds Sing for Their Lives

Track #05 - Money for All EP // By: Nine Horses

I had two weeks of silence
From the voice in my head
And not a word of guidance
So I got up and got dressed

The flowers are on steroids
The birds sing for their lives
I met someone tonight but
I’m sure I’ll be alright

[Background Voices]
What is it about? ?? ?? ??

I had two weeks of silence
From the voice in my head
And not a word of guidance
So I got up and got dressed

The flowers are on steroids
The birds sing for their lives
I met someone tonight but –

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