Selected Lyrics

The vast majority of Sylvian lyrics can be found at and slowfire. I'll generally only transcribe newly released songs that aren't up elsewhere (or ones that contain interesting background samples or vocals) and live versions of unreleased songs.

Selected Lyric


Track #NA - Commissions and Collaborations // By: PUNKT feat. David Sylvian

High in the architecture something’s moving
Unrecognizable spirit, dislocated
It’s the wrong climate, no humidity
Humming humidity
Its phase belongs to another time, another place
Projections on falling masonry, ghosts of a once pagan place
Standing empty, I stand empty
Dead echo, dead echoes don’t come back
It stopped, cut-out: ‘fuck you’
Nothing ever happens, unbelieving, no one’s receiving
A vessel filled, held, and spilled: nothing
A trace from another time, another place
It’s simple, you don’t exist, can’t possess me
You lose on a technicality
High in the architecture something’s moving

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